Landed in Hamburg from YVR and drove for a few hours North to get to Denmark in our little black Mercedes Benz. Too sleepy to think it through but it would have been wise to load up on amenities and junk food of any kind as everything costs a little more in Denmark. Spring has arrived and so have spring showers, cherry blossom trees, pink & purple tulips and thousands of singing birds. Our first hotel was a bed and breakfast, without the breakfast but complete with a bathtub made for three and a trampoline. The circus is coming to Denmark and if need be I found out that Jason could impress and join the circus folks with his fabulous and breathtaking full back and front flips! Me? I liked bouncing up and down. Our first concert was a nice full house and we had good friends & musicians Dorthe and Svende in the audience. Danish pork and potatoes were our first meal. Technical challenge #1: Jason's trying a new guitar and it gave out on him on his first improv (always done on the 2nd set) while he knocked it to create a drum/guitar loop beat...some girls just don't like to be playfully hit that way! he will have to be more gentle or hit her in a new spot. We revealed a few personal breakthroughs to our audience and laughed at each other and ourselves. Laugh more-lesson of the day! My phone doesn't accept phone cards here, unless I work out a way to get it unlocked; Technical challenge #2.
Our next concert was a 'long way' in Denmark-about 2.5 hours drive (ha-ha!) and that meant going to the middle island where we cross the glorious Lillebaelt Bridge, the bridge connecting Funen and Jutland (two of the larger islands of Denmark). A group of bikers stopped at the same gas station (Gas costs twice as much here as in BC btw!) where we got a close look at the Danish Nimbus fatboy-like bikes. Oddly we later shared a parking lot with a Miata or MX5 club of drivers too (on any other day I would have been in my own!). We had a little party after our concert in Soro, that included three vivacious characters who spoke of Danish History, Language and Vikings. Liver Pate, cheese and cucumber was part of this midnight snack. Especially memorable was the dancing father and son team behind the sound board and the moment when Jason ordered a shot of whiskey at the bar, and the bartender handed him the bottle..."here, pour your own". "Uhmmm, okay:)"... Now that alcohol is the leading topic for the moment, I must mention that it goes 'on sale' here. Various products, just like North American groceries, are 50% off, or 2 for 1. Sweet! Our concert in Aarup was in a movie theater (no movie shown). Now why doesn't somebody take on that idea back home? Brilliant. Luckily most people speak a little bit of English as the language has vowels that are very tricky to pronounce and many consonants written are silent Then there are Danish words that look like English, but are not. Such as the Lingerie store called TITTIT, and the shaving cream called Mr.Barberskum. The music we hear on the radio is 90% English. Though the man on the 100 DKK bill, Mr. Carl Nielsen, is the composer whose chorals works are cranked in our car at the moment! Odense is a great city for our days off! We've both worked out at FitnessDK where the machines are killer...and now we feel like killer machines; indeed some temporary muscle damage was done. Loved it! I have loved my long runs here too, and swallowing many new Danish bugs along the way, is well worth the flowering country-side.
I really like that video. I'm now bemused that I can get ANY video clip from the game. That is really, really cool. I really love the song "You Are My Sanctuary" from bits from the beginning, and it's good to be able to hear it again and again.
Posted by: Jordan 5 | 09/07/2010 at 08:57 PM