Road casualties are as follows so far: I have lost my toque. I don’t remember how or where, but I hope that it is keeping somebody’s head warm. I have lost two earrings (hotel rooms!). One was from Vienna so I am a little sad about that. Good thing I have three holes in my ears I suppose! My black wool jacket got too close to a way too hot washroom heater and left burn skid marks. An evil Danish washing machine claimed one of Jason’s shirts and the zipper to his jacket well, no longer a zipper. Two CD covers are cracked (which is a low amount for a tour). We are out of posters. I am down to 2 picks, though I started with 10. Our CD suitcase is now being held together by bungee cables and at one concert Jason had one of his Jason Nett Guitar quartet CDs stolen. The Takamine guitar case is just barely hanging on and a few stickers, including my favorite Johnny Cash sticker is almost down to nothing. This guitar has seen eight years worth of concerts. We are short two guitar straps (so we sit for most concerts, which works out just fine) and if there is no DI box supplied for the acoustic, Jason has to ground himself using a cable inserted into his sock or some other sort of grounding wire. (note: acoustic guitar players: always have a DI box of your own if you tour!). The tripod leg bottom of my guitar stand is missing one of the rubber feet-now WHY don’t companies glue those on-they don’t need to be removed ever! (note: glue yours if you have such a guitar stand). Blank CDs have allowed us to make CDs for the car stereo, and though the ROCK that Jason plays has noticeably influenced my phrasing positively, we could use some new music (suggestions or trades are welcome!). I have accidently collected a few room keys (in the form of small credit card cards) in my pocket so I must hit the fancy old building post offices to diligently get them back. During an onramp onto the highway there was a very thin tight merging lane, which due to construction lead us into oncoming traffic…because we didn’t stay far right; another time a left turn led us into train tracks… Yikes! Other than a few bruises from hitting unfamiliar bed corners, our health is good!
Jomfru! Many nights getting into "trouble" on that street!
Posted by: Kevin | April 11, 2008 at 05:51 PM