My favorite memories of the trip that I haven’t mentioned in the below blog include: getting Jason to play squash with me, having a real drink on the ferry and buying a bottle of wine in duty free there, the glorious daily breakfasts and daily bakery visits, listening to the Finland band speak as their language sounds like they are singing, our first ferry trip which included waves crashing into the 2nd level of the ferry and things rocking off the shelves due to bad weather, Jason and I buying sports jackets in Berlin (good to gift yourself!), seeing friends and fans from the past few years, seeing posters in places that I bet some posters have never been, listening to more rock in the car than I have my whole life, running from venue to hotel in blizzard conditions and high heels, being toured around in Sesslach where a wall still surrounds the city, laughing and laughing and laughing a lot. Kirchheim at the Bastion was a perfect place to end the tour. The show was sold out before we got there, the front row was all female and I threw out the CD suitcase as it was beaten up and completely empty. I am full however. Full of new experiences, new shared stories, new levels of my music and new ideas…just in time for SPRING! Thank you for tuning in, to music and to yourselves!