The Studio Lounge concert in Untertrubach, across the river from Obertrubach, was cozy and familiar; though it took a while to get used to the cameras 'rolling'. By this, I mean forget about them completely. A video will be online soon. Musicians!! Play here:
Last night on my night off in Ulm my throat closed completely from swelling glands. By midnight it was so swollen that it would tap on a gag reflex. I gargled with salt. I love that remedy. Up down up down. Sleep was not going to come easy. At about 3am I remembered that this happened the last time I was in Ulm. How could this happen? Coincidence didn't seem enough for me. Is it because the tour tempo relaxes here...or... Is it jasmine's perfume... or did the hot baked cheese veggie burger burn my throat...or am I allergic to these cats that live in this gorgeous house??? What's wrong!!!?? If I was a dog I would have been whimpering. In between all my questions and strep throat type pain, I desperately pray that I am able to please sing another five concerts. I am asking the rest of my body to get to sleep, so tomorrow all I can do is wake up fresh and forget what was all a bad dream. Though it was clearly not a dream, and sleep only came in short welcomed doses. I put my clean sweater between my head and the pillow, and it gave me comfort. Was it the pillow? I realized I was delirious and getting good and paranoid now. I put socks and a scarf on. Up down up down. Back to bed... I text my band mates Fuchs and Sinclair with a heads up. Got an immediate vitamin c and chamomile tea response. I am awake now, getting a cut and colour at an Italian hair dresser. Groggy is an understatement and it is going to take more than the usual to make me feel pretty. Is it the cats?! Please let it be the stupid cats. Yes, if Eric Reed a guitarist who performs with me in Vancouver, was here, he would have surely died here. Tea coffee muesli oranges water more tea. If I am going to have to swallow, it may as well be food. Now, it's been three hours since a very hot morning shower. The hair dresser is a hot Italian man who speaks no English and he is smiling and working with a variety of colours. Maybe I need to shift my worry.... I can swallow again, without the two lumps of construction blocking the way. Gulp.
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